100 Ways to Make the World Better for Non-binary People
Respecting people’s pronouns, and 99 other easy things. Non-binary identity is more visible than ever in the mainstream media, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to safety, support, opportunities, understanding – or any of the other things many non-binary people actually need. In a world with governments hostile towards LGBTQ people, specifically trans and non-binary people…
Affirming Gender Identity and Expression
Posted by request of Allegra Balmadier | Digital PR, Redefining Safe Spaces for Transgender PatientsOct 3, 2018
Gender Neutral Washroom Signs
Not Good! Solution (Click on an image to enlarge and start a slideshow)
A Trailblazer From Birth
Nearly thirty years ago I was blessed to watch two women as they fell very much in love. I was subsequently honoured to be present at their wedding, and then later at the birth of their very special child. Caitlyn/Aiden had two of the best “moms” in the world. No child was ever wanted more…
Up The Flood Without An Ark
The Big Question and why ask it? First, about the questioner. I am not a doctor of any order, not a therapist and not on an epic journey. I am a high school dropout, ex-military functionary seeking only guidance on the path of least resistance. I was born in a house of cards and found…
A Lesbian in Nigeria – Disowned By My Family
by Rizi Timane I am originally from Nigeria, West Africa, where homosexuality is completely forbidden and illegal. I was also raised in a Christian home and faced great conflict when I realized that I was a lesbian. My family tried praying it out of me 🙂 and later on, we fell out completely. They basically…
When Matt Became Jade
Many at Northern Secondary School were surprised when Matt H. announced last year that he was running for student council president. A somewhat lonely boy, he didn’t fit the model of the popular, extroverted student leader. Everyone seemed to know the outgoing president. Matt was more reserved – he liked playing on-line games and writing….
…it starts with a niggle in the deep recesses of your soul that all is not quite right with the world as you know it and from there it grows… and there was I… one day I realised I was no longer in sync with my world, my family and the church culture I’d been…
Trans Books
Click on the image or the title. It will take you to Amazon.com.Many of these books are now available as Paperback, Kindle and Audiobooks. Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue Paperback – Illustrated by Nicholas Teich (Author)4.5 out of 5 stars    353 ratings Written by a social worker, popular educator, and member of the transgender community,…
Transsexual Tale Launches Author To Limelight
Julie Anne Peters has been writing for young adults for nearly 15 years, and if anyone knows that’s no path to fame and fortune, she does. So when the phone rang a few weeks ago, bringing career-boosting news, she was skeptical, at best. “This is Harold Augenbraum, executive director of the National Book Foundation,” the…